26 July 2015

City of Ashes book review

City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments, #2)Clary Fray just wishes that her life would go back to normal. But what's normal when you're a demon-slaying Shadowhunter, your mother is in a magically induced coma, and you can suddenly see Downworlders like werewolves, vampires, and faeries? If Clary left the world of the Shadowhunters behind, it would mean more time with her best friend, Simon, who's becoming more than a friend. But the Shadowhunting world isn't ready to let her go — especially her handsome, infuriating, newfound brother, Jace. And Clary's only chance to help her mother is to track down rogue Shadowhunter Valentine, who is probably insane, certainly evil — and also her father.
To complicate matters, someone in New York City is murdering Downworlder children. Is Valentine behind the killings — and if he is, what is he trying to do? When the second of the Mortal Instruments, the Soul-Sword, is stolen, the terrifying Inquisitor arrives to investigate and zooms right in on Jace. How can Clary stop Valentine if Jace is willing to betray everything he believes in to help their father?

In this breathtaking sequel to City of Bones, Cassandra Clare lures her readers back into the dark grip of New York City's Downworld, where love is never safe and power becomes the deadliest temptation.

Meh. This book was meh.

Plot: I felt it had too much Jace/Valentine stuff in it. Unlike the first book it lacked demon slaying, mystery and other stuff that I can't remember

Characters: Well we had some interesting new additions to go along with our old favourites such as Alec and Luke. The best additions though was Maia cause she is just what this squad needs which is a girl who can kick butt if needed.

Ships: OH. MY GOD. Cassandra took them to next level. Just

 My  favourite this time was Climon

Image result for climon
SO CUTE!Writing Style: Cassandra is a goddess at writing. Enough said

31 May 2015

May Favourites

Today I thought I would do May Favourites because it's the end of May and I've been loving loads of products lately, so I thought I would share them with you! Let's get started!
1) Body Scrubs
Strawberry Body Polish from Body Shop - I got this at my friend's mum Bodyshop Party. Now usually I don't buy things from Bodyshop but boy I'm glad I did! Even though I have only started reusing it I've finished it! I also find that it isn't too grainy,which is good for me, cos I don't like the sensations of grains on my fingers.

Superbeauty's Raspberry & Cranberry Scrub- Like the Body Polish it isn't too grainy. It also lasted me a month which is unusual as a body scrub usually lasts me about 2 weeks.

2) Perfume
Superdry's Neon Perfume Set -I have been using the Pink and Blue and OH MY GOD! They smell like heaven! The pink one(which I've run out of) smells like summery flowers and the blue one smells like DKNY, which is the BEST perfume in the world! This is definitely my signature fragrance for this summer!

3)  Haircare Products
Sun Kissed Raspberry Herbal Shampoo 400ml - Alberto BalsamJuicy Green Apple Shampoo 400ml - Alberto Balsam
Alberto Balsam Shampoo's - I can't emphasis how much I love the smell of these shampoos! Blended with my conditioner it makes the most A-MAH-ZING smell! (Basically it's the scent that attracts me to this product!)

4) Music/Youtubers

McFly- I've been kicking old school this month with these guys. Their songs are so addictive and are much better than this whole club music! (Yes I don't like these new type of song genres)

Dodie Clark & Carrie Hope Fletcher (a.k.a doddleoddle and itswaypastmybedtime) - I been loving these two girls original songs. They're are just so catchy! From Fletcher's 'Boys in Books are Better' to Clark's 'A Permanent Hug From You' I can't stop humming them! I hope one day these young ladies get signed and release an album!

That's it for my May Favourites! I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry it was so beauty-based. I did try to include other stuff but I've just been loving beauty stuff too much! Hopefully I'll do one next month but we'll see!

24 May 2015

Soulmates book review

Image result for soulmates bookEvery so often, two people are born who are the perfect matches for each other. Soulmates. But while the odds of this happening are about as likely as being struck by lightning, when these people do meet and fall in love…thunderstorms, lightning strikes and lashings of rain are only the beginning of their problems.

Enter Poppy, the 17-year-old cynic with a serious addiction to banana milk, and Noah, the heart-throb guitarist; residents of mediocre Middletown, sometime students, and…soulmates.

After a chance meeting at a local band night, Poppy and Noah find themselves swept up in a whirlwind romance unlike anything they’ve ever experienced before. But with a secret international agency preparing to separate them, a trail of destruction rumbling in their wake, (and a looming psychology coursework deadline), they are left with an impossible choice between the end of the world, or a life without love…

WOW! The feels...It was like this book was just written for the feels! Before I write a paragraph dedicated to the feels let's focus on the more positive stuff

I liked the fact that you could see their relationship progressing. Some books just like have one chapter it's their first date then the next chapter is two weeks later and it only gives you one paragraph summarizing what happened in those two weeks. But in Soulmates it gives you a day-by-day breakdown of what happened (except in like later in the book but that's okay cause it was only once, so I forgive you Holly)

I also liked it because it didn't just focus on Noah and Poppy, it also flipped back to Poppy's friends every 5th chapter and how they reacted to what was happening. Also, there weren't any antagonists (Its up for debate but if you think about it Anita wasn't one cos she didn't want to split them up and Rain...well, we all secretly love him )

Ok here comes the feels part...

WHY FRANK? I was literally crying on the inside (I usually never cry on the outside at books or movies) He was in love with Poppy and she broke his heart without knowing. And then there was the Noah thing. Yes THAT Noah thing, but  I won't tell you what it is cos that would be spoiling the book and I feel like I've given away spoilers already, so you''ll have to read the book to find out what it is!

My little heart reacting to the Noah and Frank thing

Anyway all in all it was a great YA romance. I will defo be reading more of Holly's books!

Rating: 5/5 cupcakes

6 May 2015

Isn't every romcom a Romeo and Juilet?

My favourite type of book/movie is romance. In a book I've been reading called 'Soulmates' (which I'll do a book review on in the next 3 or 4 days) I've realised that all romances novels/films are based on Romeo and Juliet (most of them have got a happy ending). Some are very loosely based on the story whereas some are so similar.

I mean, boy meets girl, they fall in love, a montage of their love is shown/written, one of them does something they know will upset the other one so doesn't tell them, the other one finds out and breaks up with them, realises a few weeks later that they still love that person, goes to tell the person ( which is usually going away), catches them at the last second and tells them that they love them and the other person does the same and they live happily every after!

I know it's a bit confusing but do you kinda get what I mean?

I think everyone in the universe knows about this 'theory'. I mean, even my registration teacher ( who is an English teacher) had it written on her board a few weeks ago!

Anyway let me know what you think in the comments below! Do you agree or not?

See you soon,

Lucy xx

28 April 2015

To grow up or not?

Last weekend, my friend pointed out that I was starting my courses for my exams in 5 weeks! 5 WEEKS! Now in my mind that's when I become an 'young lady'! Part of me wants to be one because they have this position of authority and have independence but the other part of me wants to stay the child who dances around her living room on Saturday to her personalized Spotify playlist instead of doing homework, who doesn't understand grown-up things like bank statements and tax and most importantly, who loves Disney!(thus the quote at the start)

I mean, I guess I've started to grow up as I've picked my subjects. I knew what I want to do and didn't let anyone get in my way (even if that meant upsetting my mum a bit). The other thing I've had to do a lot recently is make decisions. Whether it is to have a yoghurt or a cake with my pepperoni pizza or whether to go in to school or not when I'm not feeling well, I find it challenging. I wish I was a little girl again so that my mum could make decisions for me (well the big ones, not the small ones cos I can do that myself cos I'm my own person #feminist )

A part of growing up that I like is that I find new things out about myself. For example, recently two of my friends L & A have started playing The Chain game at breaktime and I love watching them do it because not only does it challenge them it also challenges people who are watching from the sidelines.
So, I guess my conclusion is that I will grow up, not because I'm forced to but because I want to. I'm finding new things about me each and every day and I like doing that.

See you soon,

Lucy xxx

P.S. I've got loads of new ideas for posts! Can't wait for you to read them all! Gonna go and jot them down now!

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12 February 2015

A sorta of book review and Executive Decisions

So remember I said I would do a book review? Well I've just finished Girl Online by Zoella and I thought I would do an informal book review. 

When reading it, there is a blog post ( these come up every few chapters. It's when the main character Penny reflects on what has happened) when Penny is reflecting on what people having being saying about her. Shortly after this her fans congregate and make up a hashtag on twitter that makes to a worldwide trend (I won't tell you what the hashtag is, don't want to give away too many spoilers :P )

The hashtag taught me something, that her fans will support her no matter what. I hope that this is true in the real world as well as in the fictional world.

So I made an executive decision and I hope you'll stand by me.

The decision is that I will only blog whenever I feel like it/ have an idea. Whether that is 5 times a week or once an month, I'm fine with that. I hope you are. Even if that means my pageviews are low sometimes (BTW I've nearly 2000! THANKS SO MUCH!)

So yeah that's what I've decided. Let me know what you think in the comments

 (Sorry had to include to that! It is my new theme on Firefox)

Back to the review

I've realised that me & Penny are alike in many ways. One way is that nobody else knows we blog.

I give it...
5/5 cupcakes

See you soon,

Lucy xxx

1 February 2015

A month's break and the american dream

So last time I saw you guys I was apologizing (like I am now) for being off. I suppose you could say I took a month's break off of blogging because of various things. But now I am back and I'm hopefully going start posting again (I have a few ideas spinning round in my mind)

Also another thing I wanted to talk about is 'The American Dream'. This was inspired by the lovely Amy who recently discussed the big questions of life and what she thought of them.

What is The American Dream?

'The belief that anyone, regardless of where they were born or what class they were born into, can attain their own version of success in a society where upward mobility is possible for everyone. The American dream is achieved through sacrifice, risk-taking and hard work, not by chance.'

or in a simpler form put by Matt

"You get a job, you get married, you buy a house, and have your 2.5 children.'

Why is it called that?

I think that when WW1 ended America had this big happy lifestyle that they potrayed to the rest of the world and other people from different countries saw them and thought 'I'd really like to be part of that' and that's why loads of people immigrated to America.

(Please correct me if I'm wrong in the comments)

Any thoughts?

Yes it's mainly on why it's still called the American Dream because I feel like many countries have inherited the American Dream. I mean, I know it originated in America and I can't think of another name for it but I feel it deserves a new name now.

That's all for today folks. I feel like that was more a philsopcal post but sometimes it is good to do that and I feel like I have served the topic I was talking about justice.

See you soon,


21 January 2015

Sorry I've been off

So I've been off the past few weeks due to a number of reasons a) writers block b) I've been ill & c) I got to pick my choices this weekend for S3 and I have no idea what to pick so a bit stressed about that..

Anyway I'm just writing this post to say hopefully I'll be back blogging soon

See you soon

Lucy xx

P.S. Leave ideas for future posts in the comments box

11 January 2015

Weekly Wrap Up #1 and #2

Welcome to my first (& second) ever weekly wrap up! Like many others, this is one of my resolutions.

So let's get started!

First of all, something very sad happened...

Miranda - the TV show - ended!
Yes, Jennifer, it's very sad...

We took the final 'plunge' in Miranda's comedic world and saw her go through many struggles to wed her sweetheart, Gary to then gallop off into the sunset together. At their wedding reception, Heather Small AND Gary Barlow made an appearance.

 Did you see how many Miranda based puns I did there?

Now what went on the blogsphere -

Emily @ The Loony Teen Writer posted 3 updates about her holiday in London
Cait @ Paperfury made a list of things she wanted to before she was 22. If you are looking for a project to do then there is some pretty good ideas.

This week I went back to school...........
You'll understand why I put that gif in there if you go to high school...I'm picking my course choices for S3, homework and 101 other things to do

Anyway that's everything for this week. Sorry I've not been posting as much. This week it will be back to normal

See you soon,
