4 September 2013

Day 2: Bright Lips!


So Day 2 of this month's photo challenge is bright lips! I found this image on Google....

I chose this image because it has 3 different shades of of pink, 2 different shades of purple, 2 different shades of orange and a black, a red and a blue. The red and black are quite vivid colours, but I like it because it makes not all the lipsticks bright, The blue is quite like purple next to it so it's hard to recongise it at first.


3 September 2013

Day 1: Monochromatic Makeup!

So today I'm going to start my monthly photo challenge which is all about make-up! I know I'm a bit late, but I've been really busy!

Day 1: Monochromatic Makeup

Monochromatic means having only one colour on your face. So I went image hunted on Google and found this:

My Opinion: I like how it's very simplistic yet not too bland. The eyeshadow really makes you look at her eyes.

What do you think?

Leave comments in box below

See ya!

2 September 2013

September Photo Challenge!


Okay I've started to revamp the blog as you can see. I'm still making changes. What I would like is for you to suggest things! It is your blog as well!

So I've decided on photo challenge for this month. A make-up photo challenge! It sounds so fun and unique!

Here is the list:

I'll do 1, 2 & 3 later tonight!


P.S.  A post of Cimorelli's cover 'Roar' is coming soon!