23 November 2014

Hunger Games Review

As you may know I went to see Mockingjay on Thursday(if you didn't then you can read my post about it here )...


Ok I'm gonna try and do a review without any spoilers (that may be hard)

What was your favourite part?


1. Peeta's Interviews with Caesar

I'm not going to say anything else. I would be spoiling it.

2. Scene with Katniss running after Prim
 Sisterly love. Aww....

3. The promo with Finnick

He basically summed up why the Capitol are so evil in one speech. And it was Sam Claflin.Who could ask for more?

4. J-Law Singing

Who said she couldn't sing? She is amazing. The wispy voice. The lyrics are so catchy. I have literally been singing them ever since I've seen it. I think I might have an obsession.....

Any parts you didn't like?


Memorable Quotes:

'My sister gets to keep her cat' - Katniss

So there is my first ever review. Hope you enjoyed it.

See you soon,


19 November 2014

Fangirling Over Mockingjay Part 1!

I'm going to see Mockingjay part 1!


I can hardly wait! I'm going to see it tomorrow and I can't wait. Tomorrow I'll spend the hours counting down and I can't explain my emotions!


I don't know about you but I think Finnick (after Katniss) is my fav charrie! With Peeta and Gale coming a close third and fourth obviously...

 All this in under 24 hours. I can't deal with this.

So I'm going to leave you with questions: What are you looking forward to most of all? Are you going to see it soon and which new character are you most excited about?

See you soon,


16 November 2014

Christmas Adverts

I need to release this Christmas excitement! I can't hold it in anymore!

Uh-huh you get me Elsa.

Over the past to over
So let's get started

1. Argos

I just love the rap, don't you?


I didn't think that John Lewis would be able to top last year's Christmas advert but I was wrong. The advert just tugs at your heart strings at the end. The first time I watched it, I nearly cried. Also really good song in the background .

Right I'm going to stop rambling about it and ask you to watch it.


 I love this one because of well Olaf. Who doesn't love Olaf ?

 So that's some of my Christmas adverts 2014. If you are thinking 'Why isn't she sharing all of them?' it's because a) some of them haven't been released yet and b) if I told you them all we'd be here for hours on end.

So tell me what are your thoughts on them and which one is your favourite?

See you soon,


14 November 2014

Reaching Goals = Rewards

Everyone has goals in life no matter how big or small. And everyone has a reward for when they reach that goal.

For example I've just finished a piece of homework and my reward is to watch gossip girl.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that whenever you reach a goal, it's good to be rewarded. Whether it's just a tiny little reward or a big one, it doesn't matter as long as you like it.

So hopefully you'll take my advice and next time you have a goal, you'll set yourself a target/ reward (whatever you want to call it) and achieve it.

See you soon,

Lucy xx

12 November 2014

Sophia Bennett Interview

This is finally the big interview you've all been waiting on! I'm so delighted to say that Sophia Bennett will be do an interview on this post.

So what are we waiting for? Let's dive right in!

1. What inspired you to write and where did you get the inspiration for your first book?

I've always wanted to be a writer, inspired by the stories I loved to read when I was six or seven. It took me many years of working at other jobs, though, before I had the courage to try and write my first book. I wrote three detective stories before I had the idea for Threads - my first story that got published. Threads was about a teenager living in London who had a secret talent: she was a genius fashion designer. She had no money or opportunities, so her friends had to step in to help her. The idea came to me because I've always been fascinated by costume and fashion. The story won a competition in The Times, which is how I got published. You can read more about it on my website: www.sophiabennett.com

2. When you were writing the Threads Series did you write anything else?

No I didn't. I'm a one-at-a-time person. I admire authors who can keep lots of different projects going simultaneously, but I'm not one of them. The idea I'm working on becomes an obsession. It's all I can think about.

3. How do you write and plan out your ideas?

First of all it's jottings in notebooks. Then I get the idea for the shape of the story, and write it out over 3 to 6 pages. I rarely change dramatically from the arc of my first big plan, although most of the details may change! Plots come easily, but I find that getting the characters right is much harder. For the book I'm writing now, I've experimented with using a scrapbook for ideas, and a big board of Post-It notes to map out the main scenes of the story. Both have proved really useful. I also use mood boards. They're such fun to do. All you need is a cork board, some pins, and some inspiration ...

4. Your new book, The Castle, is a different genre from your last 5 books. Did you find it challenging?

Yes, I found it very hard to write. The story was always clear in my mind, but getting the characters right, and finding the voice for Peta Jones took me a long time. Every book is harder than the last. 

5. You Don't Know Me & The Look targets very serious issues. How did you fabcriate a very serious issue into a fictional book that teenagers would buy and what was your initial idea for each of the books?

I'm generally inspired to write by things I love and hate. I love creativity - making music, clothes and art. I hate cruelty and suffering - so I've written about child slavery, child soldiers, greedy politicians, cancer and cyberbullying. 

Yes, it's hard to make both of these extremes work in a story! It usually takes me a year to write each book. I've talked about the different inspirations on my website. They come to me quite quickly, but making them entertaining reads is what takes the time. Which is why I'm always so pleased when a reviewer says he or she has enjoyed the writing style. It takes a lot of effort, but it's joyful when it works.

6. You've just finished your first ever book tour. Can you tell us what that was like?

Actually it was my sixth! I did my first book tour for Threads in 2009, when I was a debut author, and loved it. My favourite part of it was getting schoolchildren to create their own stories, based on a game my family used to play. Each person would shout out a word at random and you would have to tell a story using all of the words. I loved playing it myself and it was amazing to see what the schoolkids came up with. 

This last tour has been wonderful. I've encountered so many wonderful students at so many schools, and they're always engaged, asking great questions. It's clear that there are lots of keen readers out there, and a lot of budding writers. I love talking to a room full of people, sharing my love for what I do. I hope some of them are inspired to do it too, and I get the impression from some of the lovely emails I've received that they are. 

7. Any tips for budding writers?

Many. The big ones are the obvious ones: read as much and as widely as you can; and write a little every day. Also, finish things - you'll be so proud of what you achieve if you do. I've collected lots more from many of my favourite writers on the website, in my writing tips section. Check it out! 

Quickfire Questions
Favourite Drink in Summer?

Probably Pimms. Frozen raspberries make very good ice cubes.
Favourite Drink in Winter?

Nespresso. If it's good enough for George Clooney ... I've also developed a recent liking for apricot tea.
Pet Peeves?

Trolling. It's more than a peeve. There's too much unkindness on the internet, forgetting that people are as sensitive to what's written about them as they are to what they hear face to face. Be kind.

Favourite Talk you've done with another writer?

Oh, that's an interesting one. My favourite talk was one that wasn't supposed to happen. It was at the Hay Festival, years ago. Francesca Simon was supposed to do a panel with Patrick Ness and Julia Eccleshare, but a lot of us were in the pub the night before and they suggested we join in. In the end there were about six of us, including a writer who hadn't even been published yet. We were brilliantly chaired by Jonathan Douglas, head of the Literacy Trust, and asked some great questions by teen readers in the audience, such as 'What do you do after you've just read the best book you know you'll ever read?' Everyone was generous about letting each other answer, and the audience loved it too. Years later, it still stands out. I'd love to do something like it again. 
It's been lovely having Sophia here! Hopefully you are now wanting to get your hands on one of her amazing books which are:
You can check out Sophia on her facebook,website or twitter. She even writes a blog about her adventures!

Hope you enjoyed this post. Comment below if you think I should do more interviews.

See you soon,

Lucy xx

8 November 2014


Guys I've finally got it !!! I've got Twitter.
You can follow me here or just type in to twitter my username which is @mylittlelife_x. GO! GO! GO! Let's try and reach 5 followers in a week!

See you soon,

Lucy xxx

5 November 2014

This Month blog goals

So last month remember how I did the post about the blog goals for last month? Well this post is this month goals.

1) TWITTER - Last month I promised you it. I never got round to doing it. Well this month I will. In fact in the next week you shall see a post about it.

2) Interview - I can now say for definitely  that we are going to have an author interview on the blog. The interview will be up soon.

3) Book/ Movie Review - I've wanted to do this for a long time! I'm currently a quarter away through 'The Maze Runner' and hope to finish it before December!

That's all my goals for this month. I have also got another few tricks up my sleeve so you'll have to keep an eye out for it!

See you soon,


2 November 2014

My Week

So last Sunday I promised an in-depth detail description of my week as I didn't blog last week.

Let's delve right into it


Monday was pretty ordinary for me. School then drama club. But it was the first back at school so I was like:

It was actually okay cos I saw my friends and I have good subjects on a Monday.

Drama was normal. Except that I found out loads about the show we're doing in the spring and it sounds so amazing. I'm so excited for that.
So I guess you could say that it wasn't a ordinary Monday...


On Tuesday night I had an audition for my local amateur youth company. I was scared. But it went okay. I mean, I did it in a group and we had a couple of run through's before the actual thing and kinda half blocked and knew all our lines and stuff. But I know I won't get a main part because a) It is my first year and b) there is a lot people who are older than me.

I'm just rambling now. I'll stop.


I went to see Barnum. You are probably wondering 'what's Barnum?' Well it's a musical based on PT Barnum's life. And it's amazing. I mean,it's set in a circus, the dances and songs are so good. 10/10.


Thursday was my only night off. I had Pushkin on but that was only for 45 minutes. So I was like:


It was Halloween! But it wasn't a normal Halloween. Oh no. It was my friend's belated surprise birthday party. We had been planning it for ages so I was so excited it was finally here. First we went trick-or-treating. We split into two groups because there was like 10 of us. We then went back to her house and had something to eat, played Halloween games and watch Grown-Ups.

It was a good night.

So that was my week. Tell me what did you do this week? Did you go trick or treating?

See you soon,


1 November 2014

Monthly Round-Up #1

Now sadly October's coming to an end! I know, I know. It was my birthday month, I had 2 weeks off
from school. I did 8 posts (2 per week !)

We're a month nearer to Christmas. Loads of stuff will be introduce in November.

So let's wrap up October '14 in a box and move on into November.

I told you all my favourite things about October/Autumn/Winter and you told me all your favourite things.

I then set goals for the blog and we did 3/5. GO US!

For the goals that we didn't reach a) I will defo do twitter this month. I promise ok? and b) One was kinda out of my control

After was a whole post devoted to Bloglovin' (Fact: I now have 4 followers on it. Please come and join!)

Next was the lovely liebster award that Amy from The Blog Hermit nominated me for (Note: If Cait or M are reading this please do it!)

I launched my Logo Competition (Results are coming soon!)

I did a haul.

I then devoted another post to Bloglovin' but this time specially to the blog's infoy-bio bit on there (I haven't managed to do it because my computer will not let me edit the blog's profile but it'll let me do my own one. Weird, right?)

Last but not least I told you I wouldn't be posting this week and that you would get a super extra long post tomorrow.

So that's the blog's monthly roundup! Tell me what you did in October or better yet link me to it!

See you soon,
