When reading it, there is a blog post ( these come up every few chapters. It's when the main character Penny reflects on what has happened) when Penny is reflecting on what people having being saying about her. Shortly after this her fans congregate and make up a hashtag on twitter that makes to a worldwide trend (I won't tell you what the hashtag is, don't want to give away too many spoilers :P )
The hashtag taught me something, that her fans will support her no matter what. I hope that this is true in the real world as well as in the fictional world.
So I made an executive decision and I hope you'll stand by me.
The decision is that I will only blog whenever I feel like it/ have an idea. Whether that is 5 times a week or once an month, I'm fine with that. I hope you are. Even if that means my pageviews are low sometimes (BTW I've nearly 2000! THANKS SO MUCH!)
So yeah that's what I've decided. Let me know what you think in the comments
(Sorry had to include to that! It is my new theme on Firefox)
Back to the review
I've realised that me & Penny are alike in many ways. One way is that nobody else knows we blog.
I give it...
5/5 cupcakes
See you soon,
Lucy xxx